Halloween Events
Friday October 25 5:30 – 8:30 pm
Jack O’ Lantern display
on Hancock Town Green.
Anyone wishing to add their Jack o’ Lantern to the display
can drop them off between 5:00 – 5:30.
Saturday October 26 12:00 – 2:00
Trunk or Treat
at the Hancock Town Hall parking lot.
Crafts and lunch in the Town Hall.
Cars can setting up starting at 11:30.
Prizes for favorite cars will b awarded!
Thursday, October 31 5:30-7:30 PM
Pierce Hall Halloween Party
A place of fun spooky sights and sounds for all ages.
Fortune Teller on site!! Dancing!!
Pizzas, hot chocolate, ice cream and other goblin goodies.
No goblin to bring? Come anyway to enjoy the food and fun!
This is a FREE event for everyone!
(PH restrooms will be open to the public during these hours too.)
Request for Proposals Architectural and Engineering Design Services
Please click on link for details:
Town Office Update
Just a friendly reminder our office will be closed on Monday, October 14 for observance of Columbus Day.
The office will open at noon on Tuesday, October 15 due to Elections training in the morning.
Town Clerks Office closed on Wednesday October 2
The Town Clerk’s office will be closed on Wednesday, October 2. Sorry for any inconveniences. See you on Thursday!